Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23 8:45 pm

Good evening, Hope you all have had a good day. Neil has been busy again today. Physical therapy came by and tried to assist Neil in moving to a chair. That did not work out very well in that his right foot was on the ground and it is "no weight bearing". They are going to do some brainstorming as Neil's left side will not support the right side at this time. His heart rate , blood pressure and breathing rate has been up most of the day. The doctor came by this evening and changed some medication that should help this. The doctor will come by tomorrow and check Neil's abdomen as the wound care folks change the abdomen dressing. Again, this has been a day of healing. We look forward to tomorrow. Please pray for Neil's lungs, leg and continued breathing on his own.

Please pray for the full recovery of Shannon, John, Nelson and our other friends here. We are keeping Sue in our prayers and will try to hear from her tomorrow. Nelson is more alert and is much pain. We pray he will be stable enough to move to Birmingham soon. John had a good day yesterday and his wife is hopeful he is improving. Our best news of the day is that Shannon is on the Bi-Pap. Yea!!!! We are so excited about this next step for her.

Please keep David Bandstra high on your prayer list and pray for his full recovery. He is at Southeast Medical Center. Also, remember his sweet wife, Vicki.

Thanks so very much for your love and support. We could have never managed this without each of you.


Anonymous said...

I check everyday and am so happy for you all. What progress!! Remember you are in my thoughts and prayers daily as I read of the progression. Betsy Banks Coplin

Anonymous said...

Hey friends, hope you were feeling the love from Lucia's TCM colleagues today when we held our quarterly meeting. Everyone was buzzing about all the good things that are happening and the progress Neil has made and continues making. Wish we could do something to make it easier but we are assured that there is an answer around the corner for each complication. Love to all, Becky P