Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 30 9:00 pm

Just visited Neil. The nurse did not put him in the "big boy" chair tonight. (The chair is actually a Total Lift Chair. ) The nurse said they would put him in the chair in the morning. Neil's oxygen sat is 98 on this ventilator setting. Neil is able to lift his head a bit. Also, he can turn his head. He is making many baby steps each day. We are so encouraged. We cannot wait until tomorrow. Please pray for Neil's lungs.

Please pray for the full recovery of Sue Shelton, Shannon Jones and our other friends here. We find people come and go and we hope they are all well. I have not seen Vernell to check on Clinton today. We do hope he is having a better day. (You may remember he came to us from Greenville, and was moved to a room probably a week ago. He then had to go into CICU) We do pray for all of our friends who have been discharged or have moved to other places in the hospital.

You all have been so faithful in your prayers, love and support. Neil is a million miles from where he was 2-3 weeks ago. There is no way we could have managed this without your smiles and encouragement. We are sending our love to each of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that you feel like the strength you have comes from your friends and family and I'm sure that's true. Have you considered how much you are giving to us? You give so much love and support to everyone you come in contact with and "giving back" so much to all of us who are sharing this journey with you, Kenneth, Reese and Deann. I feel so blessed.