Monday, March 24, 2008

March 23 8:35 pm

Just visited Neil. My goodness, he is doing well after such a big day. I did not tell you on the way back to the room following the surgery, one of his IV poles hit the exit sign in the hall and pulled his PIC line about 4 inches. The hurry was to get him back to the ventilator. There was no big deal with the line and they were able to get it in place with no difficulty. The x-ray showed it was just fine. I am so pleased they were hurrying back. In the earlier surgery, Neil was not able to manage on the portable ventilator well at all. We are still celebrating Neil was able to manage going down to the operating room. That sure indicates progress. He continues to respond well to this ventilator setting. (Remember this is a regular ventilator. Yea!!!!) The setting is 15 PEEP, 16 breaths a minute and 55% oxygen. His oxygen sat is 97-98. How fabulous!! (This sure gives us some pep in our step!!!) His blood pressure has been within normal range for a couple of days. He is wearing a blood pressure patch and this is sure doing its job.

What a good day. We are so thankful for Neil's baby steps. When we add all the baby steps, he has made several significant giant steps. We continue to credit his progress with the excellent medical care he has received with a large dose of miracles. Thanks so much for your support and love.

Please pray for the full recovery of Sue, Shannon, Brian and our other friends here.

We so look forward to tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day. Words can't express how grateful I am for your updates. I hope you and Kenneth have a restful night.
Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Great job Neil! I've been talking with Reese, and I (along with about a million others) are so so happy with your progress. Keep up the good work man! Look forward to more good news tomorrow =)

Nick Derzis