Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21 8:30 pm

Hey Folk, Sorry I did not post last night. Life here gets very busy at times. We will see doctors in the morning in and we will update the blog then. We cannot wait until tomorrow. Please pray for Neil's leg.

Please pray for the full recovery of Shanna and all our friends here.

Thanks so very much to each of you. We are sending our love to all. Please continue to support the Andress family.


Anonymous said...

Sending love and prayers to you all. Hope to see you soon.

Patty Jo

Anonymous said...

Praying that today brings better news. Neil, you keep hanging in there. We love you and continue to be amazed at the strength and determination you show. God's not done with you yet. Hope to see you this weekend.

Alesha and Blake

joni said...

Just wanted you remind you that I'm still praying for you all constantly.


Anonymous said...

I'm continually amazed at all of you. You are such a witness of faith and love. God has great plans for you Neil Grantham. See you soon.