Monday, August 10, 2009

Back in the "Gump"

Hey Guys,

Wow what a weekend. Friday morning I got up and went to therapy and then rode to Elba. I got to eat lunch with Mama Dot. Mam it was so goooooooood. That afternoon we were mostly out at the club getting ready for the drawing. Later, we had a great time and I had loved catching up with folks I rarely see.

Just when I think nobody reads this anymore. Julie Holley's dad stopped me and had a lot of kind words that really meant so much. Thanks Mr. Minix your thoughts were so nice and I appreciate them greatly.

The next two days I watched some good and some pretty pitiful golf. Either way I enjoyed it a lot.

My Yankees have turned it on and swept the sorry lifeless Red Sox of Boston. Now if they will just miss the playoffs and Auburn goes winless it will be a great year in sports. Sorry I'm kidding. Well kind of.

Mama Nell Cook seems to be doing some better, but please keep her in your prayers.

Wednesday I should have a pretty good blog because Uncle Daniel takes me to rehab.

Fins Up,


Anonymous said...

yes, we all still read...and, i'll try and forgive you for the auburn comment. :) love ya!

Anonymous said...

Okay know we love you but you better watch those Auburn know Bonnie and I are big Auburn fans!!!

"Miss" Mildred

Debbie K. said...

It was great seeing you this past Friday night. And, yes, we do still read your blog. Take Care!

Jerry & Debbie K.

Anonymous said...

you are dreaming too much to think Auburn will have a loosing season, careful, the tide may turn