Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last week I spoke of the passing of Drex Guthrie.  Well, Monday morning I got a call that "Mama" Nell Cook had just died.  For those of you that do not know that is Drex's grandmother.  She had not been doing very well, but it was still a shock with the events of last week.

Mama Nell and Uncle Drexel were my grandparents neighbors and good friends.  As we lost my grandparents both at young ages the Cooks kinda took up the slack in my eyes.  I respected both of them so much and they were both such sweet people.  Uncle Drexel died the year before my accident and I think about him often and miss his humor a lot.  Mama Nell was just the sweetest soul and let JD and I get away with waaaaaay to much.

Mama Nell is definitely in a better place. I'm sure right now she is catching up with Unc, Lewey, and Gayle and having a BIG time.

Please continue to keep the Cooks and Guthrie's in your prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neil, this was so WELL SAID and SO ON THE MARK!!
Love you,
Aunt Virginia and Uncle Tim