Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hey Guys,

This afternoon Mom and I went to Dothan for our good friend Kathy Waters dads funeral. It was a very loving funeral. I never met Mr. McKnight but Uncle John always has a good story about both of Kathy's parents. You could tell he was loved and respected.

Speaking of the Waters. They have been friend of John and Jenny for years and I used to see them a lot growing up. We watched a ton of football games in John and Jenny's backyard in my early teens. Brian, Jenni, and I were always messing with John-John. As I got older I didn't go over there as much. I guess the year before my wreck they started coming to the beach with J & J again. It was like old times. Now not a week go by when I don't talk to somebody in that family. They are just really great friends and I love them dearly.

Ms Kathy I am really thinking of you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I ditto everything you said. We are very blessed to have them as friends!

Love you, Aunt Jenny