Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Afternoon

Hey Guys,

Wow I took some heat over the weekend about the blog being WEAK. Well I have impressed myself that I am blogging at least once a week. However, I will try to put more effort in it.

First off, please continue to put Dave Brown in your prayers. He is the police officer from Montgomery that was in the bike wreck and then the ambulance taking him to South flipped over. Most of his injuries are really similar to mine. He has lost part of his arm and is having kidney trouble, but most of the internal injuries and the leg seems pretty familiar. He is in good hands on the 6th floor and there are thousands of prayers a day going up for him.

Bama and Elba slide by with victories Saturday while Auburn came from behind and Troy hung on again. We were going to T-town Saturday, but I am moving the office and starting getting concerned about trying to do too much. We are gonna try and get everything moved Friday afternoon and Sat. morning. I was really excited about tailgating but just don't think its too smart to try and fit all that in this weekend.

Talk Later and Fins up,

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