Monday, January 25, 2010

What a weekend

Good Monday morning,

I hope everybody had a good weekend. We sure did. Friday evening we went to the oyster bar in Elba and ate. After that we went back to the house and listened to music with Jerry and stayed lazy. The next morning I got up early and was on a mission to get Reese's old room cleaned up. We have been using it as storage pretty much. First, I got Dad to help me put up a new light fixture. After that D was rolling out of bed and we were moving and shaking. I called Jerry to see if I could get some cheap labor. He came over and it was done in no time. We went to eat at the Mexican restaurant and I made him eat off the kids menu. I told you it was cheap labor. When we got back to the house we hooked up the Wii. As it got later in the night it became obvious to J and DeAnn that they could not handle my expertise.

Sunday was football day in America. I was pulling for the colts in the first game. As a kid I liked the Jets. I guess because of Joe Willie, but now their new coach is so arrogant and if the Colts would have played hard all year the Jets wouldn't have made the playoffs, but anyway. The Colts won easily after playing around in the first half. The second game was the Saints versus Brett Favre. The Saints won and the first person I called was Uncle Daniel. He was still up and laughing about how far they had come since "The Aints" and the old days. It was pretty neat for the city and the fans of probably the coolest franchise n the league. After that it was bed time to start the new week.

Fins up,

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