Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday 5:00pm

Good afternoon to all, Things are going well here at Baptist South. Neil and DeAnn do not get much sleep as you can imagine, but other than that there are no complaints. Neil sat in a chair for about an hour and a half. Neil is now on a regular diet. He is a bit more uncomfortable than yesterday and hopes today will be the worse day. The doctor came by and continues to be pleased with his progress. They removed one of the drainage tubes today and will remove another tomorrow. The third one will go home with Neil. My goodness, it is so wonderful to have a normal surgery with a healthy body. We are so blessed. We continue to appreciate each prayer and all of your kinds thoughts and words.

Neil was reminded what a small world we live in as Ashley Carnley, working as an intern here and is from Elba, was the nurse who took him back to surgery. We loved seeing a familiar face "driving" him down the hall.

Brother Stanley shared with us that Ms. Ginny will be home Monday. What grand news.

Please remember Mr. Bob Cannon in your prayers. He has had a difficult week. We sure want him to feel better.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

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