Sunday, June 14, 2009

4:10 pm

Hello to all, Hope you all have had a good weekend. Neil continues to make progress. He is still very uncomfortable and that will take a while to be better. He is running some temp off and on. All in all this still is much better than any other surgery he has had. The doctor had said maybe he could be released Monday or Tuesday. There is now some speculation that he might stay another day or so. That is not alarming and none of us wants Neil to go home before he is ready. Another day or two here will be much better than having to return. We are so pleased with the way Neil is responding to this surgery. Neil and DeAnn are not getting much sleep but are able to take catnaps between nurse's visits. That probably will not improve until they get home. Your prayers, love and support have kept all of us going and we so appreciate each of you. Thanks so much. Take care

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