Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday November 26, 2008 5:00 PM

Hey Guys,

I tried to blog yesterday morning, but they turned the power off. I had a little toe surgery done yesterday to help my in grown toenail. Everything went wonderful and we were home at 6 pm and I was helping DeAnn get food ready for Thursday. This morning I went to rehab and we worked upper body. I have til next Monday off and will be back at therapy.

Well we are down to the only game that matters in college football. It blows my mind how all the national media think Bama has already won. I wish that were the case, but its not. Anyway, I hope everybody has a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know I sure have a ton of people and things to be thankful for. I Love you all.

Fins Up and ROLL TIDE,

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