Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday October 16, 2008 7:00 PM

Good Evening Everybody,

I want to apologize for the delay in post. I have been up to alot just not enough to put of telling all of you how we are doing.

First, I want to congratulate my cousin Howard Hornsby and his wife Dana on the birth of their baby girl. They are very excited.

Next, therapy is going very well and I seem to be getting much stronger and we are very optimistic that we will go to the Reho knee on Monday the 27th. I know I will have a small setback getting used to it, but hopefully it is going to be great.

Today Uncle John came up to hang out with me and after a small ordeal getting him in the gate we had a great time just catching up and shooting the bull. Thanks for coming up Unc, I enjoyed it bunches.

This Saturday the Crimson Tide is back in action and we are going to the game. I'm real stoked about going up and seeing the tide roll and checking out the new and improved Houndstooth.

I hope to see you all in Elba at Homecoming tomorrow. I think my old man's 40th class reunion is this weekend. Boy he's getting old, but He thinks he's still pretty.

Have a good weekend and Fins Up,


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear from you again. I feel so blessed to be able to keep up with your progress. Tell your Dad hello for me and that I still think he's pretty too.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey Neil and D!

Glad to hear that things are going well. Have a good time at the game. Hope to see you soon.

Love~ PJ