Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19, 2008 10:30AM

Hey Guys,

Thirteen years ago today the world lost a very good person. During the past year I have never questioned God why this happened to me. But I did and still do at times bear down and wonder why he needed Adam right then.

For those of you that didn't know Adam Waddail, he was everything that was right in this bad world of ours. Not only did he love his sweet parents and sisters, but he thought his grandparents hung the moon. We played baseball together, I think we were on the same team from age 6 until our last year. We were in choir and later watch kids younger than us at church. He was just an all around great kid.

Oneof the things I remember most about Adam was him sweating. That boy could sweat through a snowstorm. However, he was a great athlete and played all sports. He could shoot a three with ease and knock a baseball a mile.

People throw the word friend around way to loosely in my opinion. If you were able to be called a friend by Adam you knew you had a friend it for life. He was somebody that you could go to with problems and he would always tell you what he thought. You also knew where you stood with him. If he didn't like something he would tell you, but in a way that it was fine even in

I guess what I'm trying to say is the world was a much better place with my good friend Adam Waddail in it. To Mr. Steve and Mrs. Melanie and Ashleigh, I Love You dearly and I'm a better person because of you and your wonderful son.



Anonymous said...


That was a beautiful post. What a wonderful tribute to Adam and his family.

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and are gaining strength everyday.

I hope you and your family have a great Holiday Season.

Sharon Ward

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words about Adam. You were always a good friend to him. I was blessed to share what it would be like to have a son in college thanks to Jerry,Clay and You. You guys are the best.
Merry Christmas
Mr. Steve