Friday, September 23, 2011


I hope everyone has had a great week.  I didn't realize it has been since last Tuesday since I have posted.  DeAnn started a review class last weekend for her PE exam.  It last almost all day on Sat and Sun so I went to Dad's to watch the Saturday slate of games.  We always have a good time on the back and it was an awesome almost fall afternoon.

Last night DeAnn, Jerry, and I went to the Chamber Banquet.  Russ Wood was the guest speaker and did a great job of weaving stories of his dad, Coach Bryant, and his faith together.  The food was great and the fellowship was better.  Mrs. Kaye and Kerry did a wonderful job.

We are going to Tuscaloosa this weekend to tailgate, see Reese, and attend Merrill Curran's birthday bash.  I sure hope Bama is ready for that high powered offense of Arkansas.  It should be a great time nonetheless.

Fins Up and Go Elbie Tigers,

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